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How to proceed in case of a defective product or a warranty claim

Bike manufacturers offer warranties covering variable time periods. This information including their terms and conditions can be found on their website. Generally speaking we play the role of intermediary between the customer and manufacturer. Here is the step by step classic procedure to apply for resolving a problem or filing a warranty claim :

Identifying the problem
    1. 1. Assessing the nature of the problem or defect to make sure that a possible warranty claim is receivable and not the result of an accident or negligence of your part.
Reading the terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s warranty policy
    1. 2. Go to the manufacturer’s website to validate that the defective part is covered by the warranty.
Providing a proof of purchase
    1. 3. The proof of purchase provides a date that will determine if the defective part is indeed covered by the manufacturer’s limited time warranty
Getting in touch with us
  1. 4. In the case of a confirmed defective part or merchandise you may get in touch with us. The most efficient way to do so is to send us an email including a picture of the defective part at [email protected] so that we may proceed to a pre-assessment of the warranty claim. You may, of course, come to the store with pictures of the defective part, or the part itself, and with your proof of purchase in hand even if we should have a copy of your purchase in our files.
  2. 5. At that point our employees will guide you to the next step leading to an official warranty claim.
  3. 6. Please note that a warranty claim is solely subject to the manufacturer’s evaluation and approval of the claim. Our role as intermediary stops there. In case of a refusal our staff will do everything possible to find a solution or a replacement so that you may ride again as soon as possible. To sum it all up, our ultimate goal is customer satisfaction.