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Here are our complete tune ups. You can also customize your tune up by adding some of our "À la carte" items. 

For more information, contact us!


Given the traffic at this time of the year, we accept tune-ups on bikes only by appointment. On-site or "walk-in" drop off may be refused. 


In order to guarantee the efficiency of our service, we ask for a deposit of $15 per bike when making an appointment. In the event of cancellation, we will refund this amount if you contact us 48 hours in advance.


If you have any issues viewing the chart below, click here!


    Vélozophie offers 3 complete bike tune-ups from which you can choose to maintain your bike according to its needs. You can also choose from our « » service.
    All our tune-ups have a 30 day warranty. If one of our adjustments isn’t to your liking, come back and we will be pleased to fix the situation.
    Rest assured, we will do all in our power to stay within budget. In the case of unavoidable extra expense - beyond 10% of the agreed upon price - we will call you for approval before going ahead with the rest of the repairs.